Here are the different types of banners that can now be booked on
Header Banner 1080 x 200 pixels EUR 1,200.00 / month
Top of the website above the site header, displayed on every page.
Content Top Homepage Banner 678 x 88 pixels EUR 650.00 / month*
Large banner 2/3 width above the content, displayed on homepage.
Content Top Banner 678 x 88 pixels EUR 650.00 / month*
Large banner 2/3 width above the content, displayed on every following news page.
*Content Top Banner for homepage and news pages can be booked together for EUR 1,000.00 / month
Content Banner 326 x 250 pixels EUR 550.00 / month
Placement within content beneath the opening article, displayed on homepage.
Content Bottom Banner 678 x 88 pixels EUR 450.00 / month
Placement beneath content, displayed on homepage.
Sidebar Top Homepage Banner 326 x 250 pixels EUR 650.00 / month**
On the right side of the homepage, top of the content, displayed on homepage.
Sidebar Top Banner 326 x 250 pixels EUR 650.00 / month**
On the right side of the page, top of the content, displayed on news pages.
**Sidebar Top Banner for homepage and news pages can be booked together for EUR 1,000.00 / month
Sidebar Homepage Banner 326 x 88 pixels EUR 350.00 / month***
Placement in the right column beneath the sponsored logos, displayed on homepage.
Sidebar Banner 326 x 88 pixels EUR 350.00 / month***
Placement in the right column beneath the sponsored logos, displayed on news pages.
***Sidebar Banner for homepage and news pages can be booked together for EUR 500.00 / month